Along with fellow UK etsyers I have been tagged by the lovely Sakura to reveal 10 things about me. Thought I should add a photo too (yew, I hate photos of me)
Not sure I am that interesting but here goes:-
1. I came 2nd in the Welsh Eisteddfodd playing a piano recital when I was 10.
2. I have a profound fear of height. 4 years ago on a holiday to Turkey I parascended from 2000 feet! The instructor was so amazed that I did it (was suffering with wobbly legs and the inability to talk at the time) that I went again for FREE!!! Never been up in a lift since!!!!!??
3. I almost gave birth to my second child in a store room on the antenatal ward (don't ask what I was doing there)
4. I once drank a whole bottle of southern comfort and vomitted all over the house - not so bad but my parents were hosting a dinner party at the time.
5. I passed my driving test 1st time having only had lessons from my Dad yay for my Dad!
6. I will be 40 in 9 months and am soooo not looking forward to it!
7. I have delivered 89 babies.
8. Alan Titchmarsh brushed against my plants at Gardeners World Live 2 years ago. They are all doing well!
9. I met the queen when I was 8.
10. Up until 2 years ago I did not know how to knit.
See I told you I have nothing interesting to say. Right who is next to be tagged.